Cégnév: | Agri-food |
Cégforma: | Egyéb |
Fő Tevékenysége: | The latest news from the agricultural sector |
Székhely: | 7400 Kaposvár, Guba Sándor utca 40. |
Internetes cím: | |
Agri-food Information Searching Application
The latest news from the agricultural sector.
The project EDUAGRI (Multilevel education system for agile agri-food chains) is led by the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Kaposvár Campus, and the Križevci College of Agriculture is the project partner. The activities of the consortium partners focus on the development of a multi-level higher education training system in the specific field of agile management of agri-food chains. The programmes include the design and development of educational materials for bachelor and master courses in agri-food chain. The project will also deliver lifelong learning training for farmers and food industry stakeholders. Due to the specific but similar situations in both countries, these programmes aim to improve the competitiveness of the agri-food sector through the development of dynamic management of production processes and the marketing of agri-food products at local level. The new study programmes developed will provide modern and practical insights into the management of agri-food chains. The target groups for the programmes are current and future students of the Križevci College of Agriculture and the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, current decision-makers in the agri-food sector, farm owners in Croatia and Hungary, agricultural associations, small and medium-sized food enterprises, and agricultural and food producer cooperatives. In the part of the EDUAGRI project, we have developed the Agri-food Information Search Application, which allows students, teachers and researchers in the field of agricultural sciences to access the latest information on the agri-food sector in a quick and structured way on a single webpage, based mainly on English language resources.
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mezőgazdaság, erdészet-kertészet
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